About Zangmo Alexander
About Zangmo Alexander
About Zangmo Alexander
Zangmo Alexander
CV Zangmo Alexander Visual Artist
Education, Professional Training
Masters Degree Fine Art (Distinction), Norwich University of Arts
BA Hons Fine Art Painting (2.1), commendation in Art History, University of Brighton
Diploma in Coaching (Distinction), UK Coaching Partnership
Post Graduate Certificate in Education, University of Cambridge (fully qualified art and photography teacher)
7307 Further & Adult Teaching Certificate, University of Brighton
8 week Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, University of Bangor
Dzogchen and Mahamudra Meditation Courses/Retreats in Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu Tradition
Dharma and Art courses, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, USA
Tergar Meditation Teacher Program (in progress completing August 2025)
Confound, Old Shoe Factory, Norwich
Transference, Halesworth Gallery, Suffolk
The Stripper, (Collaboration with Pema Clark), University of East Anglia
Luminograms: Camera-less Photography by Zangmo Alexander, Beyond the Image Photographers Gallery
Work in Progress, Meeting House, Diss
Buddha Mind - Creative Mind, Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Taplow Court
MFA Show, Fine Art, Norwich University of the Arts
Faith and the Arts Multifaith Art Exhibition, Birmingham, Arts Council England
‘Journeys’, Paintings and Prints, Harleston Gallery
‘Lotus in Flower’, Cambridge
‘Lyrical Abstraction’, Michaelhouse Gallery, Cambridge
John Innes Centre, University of East Anglia, Norwich
Paintings by Zangmo Alexander, Horsham Arts Centre
Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios
Suffolk Open Studio
Brighton Art Fair, Corn Hall, Brighton
Fresh Art Fair, Business Design Centre, London
BA Fine Art Show, Brighton School of Art, University of Brighton Art Gallery
Brighton Library
Brighton Centre
Bond Street Gallery
Eastbourne Library
Fox’s Gallery, London
The Arthouse, Leeds
Awards, Scholarships, Residencies
Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies Scholarship for Dharma and Art course, Massachusetts USA
Arts Council England Award
MOFSA project development grant
MOFSA travel grant UK to USA
Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies Scholarship for two residencies, USA
DEFRA award for website design, equipment purchase
South Norfolk Council award for business development
Norfolk Visual Art Fund Award for community art workshop development
Invited Speaker and Papers
4Thought, Channel 4 Television Broadcast: Can Art Make You Believe? talk
Buddha Mind - Creative Mind Conference: Art and Meditation Practice talk
Buddhism and the Arts, commissioned paper for arts organisations on the relationship between Art and Buddhism for Arts Council England
DeLuca, G, (2024), Bensonhurst Sutra, Tales of an Italian American Buddhist
Alexander, L., (2009), Women’s Wisdom: Natural Wellness Strategies for the Menopause Years Findhorn
Collins, Mick, (2014), The Unselfish Spirit: Human Evolution in a Time of Global Crisis, Hampshire: Permanent Publications
March 2020, Leaping Clear online journal, https://www.leapingclear.org/zangmo-alexander-video
Autumn 2022, On Remembering, Dreaming the World in A Life Written, An Anthology of Life Writing, The National Centre for Writing
Work in Collections, Residencies
Dharma and Art Course, two residencies, Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies, USA
Imperial Health Charity Art Collection
Private Collections USA and Europe
Artist in Residence, Michelham Priory, Sussex
Teaching and Mindful Creativity Coaching
Mindful Creativity Coach, private practice
Meditation Teacher, private practice
Visiting Lecturer in Painting, Brighton University at Eastbourne College of Art and Technology
Creative Studies Lecturer, Eastbourne College of Art and Technology
Art Certificate Lecturer, Brighton University
Art and Photography Teacher, one-to-one and group, private practice and schools
GCSE and A Level Art and Photography Tutor, private practice
Director of Full Moon Images, publishing art prints
Director of Rainbow Arts, offering Art, Craft and Photography courses for hard to reach members of the community, the elderly, mental health, social services staff, women's groups, children's holiday workshops
Facilitator of women's art groups for self awareness, personal development, self expression and stress management
Responsibility for entire Art and Design Technology Curriculum, primary school Norfolk
Personal Development | CPD
Back to Beginnings, Tara Rokpa
Bioenergetics Therapy, Brighton
Spiritual Psychotherapy, Tunbridge Wells
Personal Jungian Art Therapy and Psychotherapy
Regular meditation courses, group and solo meditation retreats
2007-2014: Ordination as a nun in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition
Art and meditation short courses
4 x Clown and Fool workshops